use industrial techniques to have workable organization in your Home

Companies keep operational every day by keeping needed inventory on hand and easy to get to. Here are 5 tips to run your home like a business and have workable, long-lasting solutions.

Organized Pantry - like with like

I spend most of my day in tool cribs and among racks of non-inventory supplies. I make sure those items are stocked. Important things that keep industries going - like toilet paper.

It’s a problem if a company runs out of toilet paper. A big problem. Same for in our home. Nothing makes us get our car keys faster than a toilet paper emergency.

  1. zones for efficiency

In industrial settings, products are often arranged in zones for quick access and improved productivity. In the home, this can be done by creating spaces near where events happen. Coats, outwear, and shoe storage by the most-used door for example. Art and homework supplies should be near the area where those activities take place.

2. Shelving units and storage

Shelving designed for storage is an important part of storing items at businesses. Dedicate areas in your home that would benefit from shelving. Think all the way up to the ceiling. Adjustable shelves offer choices for storing items of different sizes. Use these shelves to store extra items like garbage bags and paper towels or for low-use items like kitchen appliances used rarely. Think outside the shelf, and consider using cabinets or a set of drawers to hold your items.

3. Storage bins and containers

Bins and containers are a must at companies. You wouldn’t believe how many nuts, bolts, screws, and little whatnots that hold a whole building together. We have to find things quickly and proper storage bins and containers are a must. Clear bins are best for when it is harder to look inside, but just having identified areas and compartments where things go make all the difference.

4. Labeling

Storage shelves and bins are great, but the easiest way that everyone in a company knows where things are and where they should go back is having a proper labeling system. Create labels using your printer and printable labels, invest in a label maker, or just make your own. I love my label maker and use it for more than just file folders and spices. In my linen closet, I can find right away which size linens go where. And so can everyone else.

5. Straighten, Clean, and Evaluate

The one thing that keeps industrial tool cribs and essential inventory in tip-top shape is to continuously be working with it. It’s not a one and done thing. You might find you like having more TP on hand and you will have to adjust for space for that. You also have to clean and straighten what is there since things always get put a little out of place while life moves on. For some reason, there is always some sort of garbage to throw out, a spill to mop up, or a stack to straighten. You also have to look at what you keep on hand and if that is something you need to keep or change out for something else.

Loud Woods

The author of The Loud Woods spends their professional career managing and optimizing industrial maintenance and operational inventories. She is on a quest to transition from a semi-rural lifestyle to a deeper connection with nature in the woods. This blog is dedicated to documenting their journey toward a more self-sustaining, and hopefully more organized, secluded life.

Keep it clean!


Living Design