pick up the leaves

Why pick up the leaves?

Leaves blanketing the lawns, scattering across roadways, and blowing through the air definitely bring home that we are in the Fall of the year and winter is on its way. But why spend all that time and energy to clean them up? Isn’t it more natural to leave them be? After all, they break down into nutrients and turn into soil, right?

While it is more natural to leave the leaves to do their thing in the environment, performing leaf management is important in maintaining your property in top condition. No matter if you house is in the city, country-lite, or deeply rural, keeping on top of the leaves in the fall is a must. Here are the reasons why.

The Importance of Leaf Management

Preventing Drainage Issues: Fallen leaves can clog gutters and drains, leading to water backup and potential damage to your property. Water that cannot go down your drainage properly will spill over and do damage to the foundation and and other parts of your home and property.

Water Quality: If you live near lakes, streams, or rivers, leaves that accumulate in the water can release tannins and other organic matter, affecting the water quality. This can lead to algae blooms and other issues that harm aquatic life.

Fire Hazards: Dry leaves on the ground can pose a fire hazard, especially in areas prone to wildfires.

Lawn Health: An excessive buildup of leaves on your yard can smother grass and prevent it from getting the necessary sunlight and air.

Pest Habitat: Piles of leaves can create a welcoming habitat for pests like rodents and insects.

Slippery when wet: Wet leaves can be slippery and pose a safety hazard when on walkways and driveways.

Cause dangerous road conditions. Leaves are dangerous for motorcycles or bicyclists. They can hide the lines markings or where the sides of the road are which is dangerous to all motorists.

Fall is beautiful and the leaves are a big part of the reason why. Leaf maintenance will help make for a much better season for you and your property.

Loud Woods

The author of The Loud Woods spends their professional career managing and optimizing industrial maintenance and operational inventories. She is on a quest to transition from a semi-rural lifestyle to a deeper connection with nature in the woods. This blog is dedicated to documenting their journey toward a more self-sustaining, and hopefully more organized, secluded life.


Planning outdoor living space